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Modifications at Glen Kernan Pkwy and Hodges Blvd.

Dear Neighbors,

We would like to inform you that Atty Paul Harden has filed for a Minor Modification 2021-21 to Ord 2019-317E. The proposed modification is FAR from being minor!

We need your support by showing your opposition against this ordinance. This new modification proposes a multitude of problems for our traffic, safety, and density.

A. Summary of Concept plan dated Aug 2, 2021

1) Identifies 48.53 acres located at the corner of Hodges and JTB Blvds. and Glen Kernan Parkway divided into four parcels A thru D.

2) Adds four access points ( 2 on Hodges southbound side after Traffic light approaching JTB and 2 on Glen Kernan Parkway eastbound on exit with 1 diretly acroos from Villini and 1 where current u-turns are made by GKCC office access is currently)

3) Adds multiple 4 story high buildings

4) Adds over 753 parking spaces not including vehicles for Gas station, convenient store, car wash and outparcels shown

5) Adds Senior Living (over 55) community with 28 quadplex apartments, 183 stacked residential flats 4-high, and 74 Duplex cottages

6) Adds Hotel with 174 rooms and 4 stories high

7) Adds Retails space of 24,000 sqft (upper and lower)

B. Take aways To Do

1) Mark your calendar for Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday, Oct 21st at 1pm, Building, 117 West Duval St. in the City Council Chambers on the 1st floor. (If this changes we will send out notification). (Notification of Hearing and MM- 2021-21 Glen Kernan Parkway proposal attached)

2) Email the current Planning Commission members. Briefly explain your opposition and how it will negatively impact our community by highlighting health and safety issues and how this proposal will be detrimental to the adjacent properties in the general neighborhoods. (List of Current PC members attached).

3) Read the documents provided below and join us in saving our community before it's too late. (MM-2021-21)

4) Reply to this email at and join the Facebook group ( search "Glen Kernan Neighborhoods" ) if you wish to share ideas or contact us to help our opposition.

Although we know something will be built on this property, we must hold them accountable to FIX the existing issues before adding more traffic. This has been brought up at several rezoning ordinances on Glen Kernan Parkway and to include Sutton Parkway that was recently rezoned for Multi-family. Which this doesn't consider that additional traffic at the existing redlight!

We apologize for the lengthy message but we need your help! Please share this with your neighbors and those who may want to help or stay in the loop on this situation. If you DO NOT wish to receive further info, simply let us know you wish to be removed by notifying us at

As always, Thanks for your support!

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