During the June 18, 2019 Land Use and Zoning Committee Meeting, the Chair Councilman Schellenberg communicated the following tentative meeting dates for Ordinance 2019-317:
Planning Commission (PC) Meeting: July 18 - 1:00 pm
Land Use and Zoning (LUZ) Committee Meeting: Aug 6 - 5:00 pm
City Council Meeting: Aug 13 - 5:00 pm
The reason that these dates are tentative:
- Council President Bowman has requested a deferral of Ordinance 2019-317 at the June 20 PC Meeting and the next PC Meeting will be on July 18, 2019
- Bowman will continue to request deferrals at the LUZ Meeting until the PC Votes
- Bowman will defer it again at the request of the Development Group's Lawyer (Paul Harden) so that Harden can reassess if they want to continue as filed or amend
- The newly installed City Council Members will vote on this Ordinance
Important: continue to check COJ.net and Aaron Bowman's FaceBook Page -- once he receives feedback from Harden, he will post the future schedule Meeting dates. In addition, if Ordinance 2019-317 is amended, Bowman will host another Town Hall Meeting.