As a courtesy to Riverbrook Homeowners, your BOD is sharing information regarding the property recently sold to Bird Dog Land by The Hodges Trust and Glen Kernan Country Club, as we receive it.
NOTE: Property is NOT affiliated with Riverbrook HOA. This is a "draft concept" from the new owner, Mr. Brian Small. He does not anticipate any development/construction in the year 2024.
Please remember we have no control over what the owner does with this property as our new neighbor. However, we are working on an agreement/contract (still in the process) between Bird Dog Land and Riverbrook HOA to maintain and preserve the aesthetics of our entrance on Pebblebrook Dr. This thin strip of property at our entrance on Pebblebrook Drive is now owned by Bird Dog Land but maintained by Riverbrook HOA.
It appears that he anticipates building a total of 6 homes behind this area on a new cul-de-sac adjacent from Heather Glen that will have an access road via Glen Kernan Parkway.

That would have made a nice common area for the development to have park for the residents...
Wonderful, more traffic and destruction of land. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll soon show plans for developing across the street as well. Can you imagine 6 homes on that small site?